- 2011-08-01 MON, 9:01 AM PST
- 2011-08-01 MON, some god-awful early hour of the day, PST.
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Should be self-evident. Also includes news about stuff that is not admin related.
[ADMIN] A post that conveys information of an administrative nature about the blog/irc/mediafire account, as all are forms of communication/disseminating data.
[PENDING] When a release is still "in the works", hence pending more action by the members (e.g., QC, translate, distro).
[COMPLETED RELEASE] When a release is... well, completed. Don't know how much more I can say about that.
[RANT] Oh, you guys are gonna love this one.
It seems that everyone is misunderstanding the tag. Tags are used to organize and categorize data. The [Release] tag means that a post has data that is related to a release/production of work and is not related another subject/category (e.g., admin, announcement, correction, rant, etc).
Morever, the _context_ of the post says it all -- this should be obvious to anyone who reads the post.
If you made an assumption by glancing at only the title and failed to read the rest of the post, then that's your choice. We really have no control over that.
-Doku^2 Shinsha.